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Setting up Apple wireless keyboard to work with a PC

I love the touch and feel of the Apple wireless keyboard, which I have used a few years with my iMac. Recently, my work PC was in need of a new external keyboard, so I got an Apple keyboard. Only after the connection did I find out that some of the keys were missing. Fortunately, there are ways to get around this, and make the keyboard at least useable.

I did some searching and experimenting, and the following worked for me. I use a program called KeyTweak. It allows changing of key interpretations by Windows, so Ctrl-Alt-Del would work. Below are the key mapping I use.

F12 (key #123) -> ‘Delete’

This would allow boot up to occur, and F12 is relatively close to the normal Del key.

How do I … remap my keyboard with KeyTweak? | TechRepublic.

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