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Alvin365 Forum :: 觀看文章 – 相機維修鋪地址.


Mr Tam (very funny old man)
63-69 Wellington Street, 1st Floor, Flat F, Central, HK
Tel: 2523 2929
you need to phone him first, his lunch hour is not as you thought…hahaha
I know most of the camera shops at stanley street send him cameras for repairing…


好世界攝影器材 (dchome版主推薦)
2543-5657 (mon-sat 9:30am-6:30pm)

新三共 (買filter超平) (本雞仔也去過,行到酒店要行入去,好細間的)
尖沙咀彌敦道50號金域假日酒店G19地鋪 (其實係麼地道)


盧師父電話 : 2388 8237

李富榮  27367803

(Panda Camera Repairs)
Tel : 2522 9905  Uncle Tat

What Can Tata’s Nano Teach Detroit? – BusinessWeek

What Can Tata’s Nano Teach Detroit? – BusinessWeek.

Morale of the story:

  • Set the price the customers are willing to pay, then work backward and design the car.
  • Involve key suppliers early on, and convince them to produce low-cost systems.
  • Rethink distribution. Ship kits to distributors, and let them do the assembly.

Who’s who of large format cameras

Who’s who of large format cameras.

A good summary of major camera makers for large format.

How to Keep Innovating – BusinessWeek

How to Keep Innovating – BusinessWeek.

Argument is to pursue a new interest once you have achieved 80% of an existing skill. This will keep the “fire” burning.


An interview with the CEO of a leading Italian design firm – The McKinsey Quarterly – interview CEO Italian design firm – Strategy – Innovation

An interview with the CEO of a leading Italian design firm – The McKinsey Quarterly – interview CEO Italian design firm – Strategy – Innovation.

Talks about how products are decided at Alessi. Not through “market research”, but through a score system:

  1. Sensation, memory and imagination (SMI)
  2. How people can use the object to communicate with other people
  3. Function
  4. Price


Giving shoes to children in need

How one entrepreneur started a self-sustaining charity business to give away shoes to children in need.

Are you a humpty dumpty entrepreneur?

Being a workaholic does not make you a good entrepreneur.

“How who you know affects what you decide”

This article discusses how the process of decision making is affected by “who you know” rather than “what you know”.

How who you know affects what you decide